What is skeleton emoji?

Emoji ☠️
Name Skeleton
Unicode U+2620
Meaning The skelskeleton emoji is often used to symbolize danger, death, or poison. It is commonly associated with piracy, warning signs, or a sense of humor.
Features A white skelskeleton on a black background, which can vary in size and position, depending on the platform or font used.
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What situaitions use it?
  • When they want to express danger or warning, such as "Beware! 💀"
  • When they want to express death or loss, such as "Rest in peace 💀"
  • When they want to express their love for pirate culture, such as "Arrr matey 💀"
  • When they want to express humor or sarcasm, such as "This is a joke, right? 💀"
  • When they want to express a sense of coolness or excitement, such as "This is awesome 💀"
  • When using this emoji, be mindful of the tone and context in which you are using it. The skull and crossbones emoji can be interpreted differently by different people, so it's important to be aware of your audience and use it appropriately.
  • Avoid using this emoji in a manner that is insensitive or offensive, such as making light of serious situations or causing distress to others.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The ☠️ Skeleton Emoji was added as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.
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