What is Tea emoji?

Emoji β˜•πŸ΅
Name Tea
Unicode β˜• : U+2615
🍡 : U+1F375
Meaning The tea emoji represents a cup of coffee, tea, or any hot drink. It is generally used to express the idea of drinking a tea, or to represent the idea of coffee culture or cafes.
Features Tea emoji is a picture of a steaming cup of tea or coffee. It is usually depicted with steam rising from the cup and may have a handle or a lid.
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PNG Image
unicode u+2615, Coffee emoji png
Coffee Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f375, Tea emoji png
Tea Emoji PNG

What situaitions use it?
  • When they are drinking tea or coffee
  • When they want to express their love for hot beverages
  • When they are cold and want to warm up
  • When they are inviting someone for a cup of tea or coffee
  • When they are discussing food and drinks in a chat
  • When using this emoji, it is important to be mindful of the cultural connotations associated with drinking tea or coffee. For example, tea is often associated with Britain, while coffee is often associated with the United States.
  • Avoid using this emoji in a negative context, such as when discussing the negative health effects of drinking too much tea or coffee.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The Tea Emoji was added as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.
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