What is money emoji?

Emojis πŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’²πŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’ΆπŸ’·
Name πŸ’Έ : Money With Wings
πŸ’° : Money Bag
πŸ’² : Dollar Sign
πŸ’΅ : Dollar
πŸ’΄ : Yen
πŸ’Ά : Euro
πŸ’· : Pound
Unicode πŸ’Έ : U+1F4B8
πŸ’° : U+1F4B0
πŸ’² : U+1F4B2
πŸ’΅ : U+1F4B5
πŸ’΄ : U+1F4B4
πŸ’Ά : U+1F4B6
πŸ’· : U+1F4B7
Features and Meaning πŸ’Έ Money With Wings: This emoji features a yellow bag with a dollar sign on it, with wings attached to both sides of the bag. It represents money that has been spent or is in the process of being spent, such as for a purchase, gift, or donation. It can also symbolize wealth or financial success.

πŸ’° Money Bag: This emoji features a bag with a dollar sign on it. It represents money, wealth, and financial matters, and is often used to indicate the act of saving or storing money.

πŸ’² Dollar Sign: This emoji features a stylized representation of the dollar sign ($). It represents currency and financial matters in general, and is commonly used to indicate the US dollar or American financial systems.

πŸ’΅ Dollar: This emoji features a single, green dollar Banknote with the face of a former US president on it. It represents money, wealth, and financial matters, and is often used to indicate payment or the act of spending money.

πŸ’΄ Yen: This emoji features a single, yellow yen bill with the face of a former Japanese emperor on it. It represents Japanese currency and financial matters in general, and is commonly used to indicate payment or the act of spending money.

πŸ’Ά Euro: This emoji features a single, blue euro bill with the image of a European architectural structure on it. It represents European currency and financial matters in general, and is commonly used to indicate payment or the act of spending money.

πŸ’· Pound: This emoji features a single, pink pound sterling bill with the image of a British monarch on it. It represents British currency and financial matters in general, and is commonly used to indicate payment or the act of spending money.
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PNG Image
unicode u+1f4b8, Money With Wings emoji png
Money With Wings Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b0, Money Bag emoji png
Money Bag Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b2, Dollar Sign emoji png
Dollar Sign Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b5, Dollar emoji png
Dollar Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b4, Yen emoji png
Yen Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b6, Euro emoji png
Euro Emoji PNG

unicode u+1f4b7, Pound emoji png
Pound Emoji PNG

What situaitions use it?
  • To talk about making money or earning income.
  • To discuss spending or paying for something.
  • To talk about banking or financial transactions.
  • To express excitement or satisfaction with a financial gain.
  • To talk about saving money or being frugal.
  • It's important to be mindful of cultural differences and avoid using the money emojis in a way that could be misinterpreted or offensive.
  • This emoji should not be used to solicit or promote illegal activities or financial scams.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The πŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’²πŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’ΆπŸ’· Money Emojis was added as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.
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