What is Laptop Icon?

Icon 💻
Name Laptop
Unicode U+1F4BB
Meaning The 💻 icon represents a computer and is often used to indicate a digital device, office work, technology or the internet. It can also be used to indicate a preference for using computers or technology over paper or manual tasks.
Features A desktop computer with a screen, keyboard and a mouse. The screen displays a stylized representation of a computer window and the mouse cursor, with no visible buttons or touchpad. It is represented in a yellow/orange color.
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What situaitions use it?
  • To indicate their current occupation or to show that they work with computers.
  • To talk about technology, software development or IT-related topics.
  • To ask for help or advice about a computer problem.
  • To express excitement about new technology or software.
  • To indicate a preference for virtual or online communication over face-to-face interaction.
  • As with any emoji, the interpretation of 💻 can vary between cultures and individuals. It's best to take care when using this emoji to make sure it doesn't send an unintended message.
  • Additionally, it is important to remember that not all digital devices are equal. A desktop computer may look different on different platforms, so it's best to view it on the platform you plan to use it on to ensure it appears as you expect.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The Laptop Icon was added as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.
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