What is hundred points emoji?

Emoji πŸ’―
Name Hundred Points
Unicode U+1F4AF
Meaning The πŸ’― emoji is generally used to represent 100% or perfect score. It is often used to express approval or support for a statement, idea, or opinion, as well as to indicate a goal or target has been reached.
Features The πŸ’― emoji is a symbol made up of a combination of 100 and 0. The emoji is usually presented as a red number 100 with a white background, with two thick red lines crossing through it diagonally.
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What situaitions use it?
  • To express approval or support for a statement, idea, or opinion
  • To indicate a goal or target has been reached
  • To express excitement about a perfect score
  • To describe something as being top-notch or the best
  • To describe a sense of accomplishment
  • As with any emoji, the πŸ’― emoji can have different meanings and interpretations, so it's important to consider the context and the audience before using it.
  • Overuse of the πŸ’― emoji can be seen as excessive or overeager, so it's important to use it in moderation.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The πŸ’― Hundred Points emoji was added as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010, which was the sixth version of the Unicode Standard.
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