What is Cold emoji?

Emoji 🥶
Name Cold
Unicode U+1F976
Meaning The Cold emoji is generally used to represent extreme cold, winter weather, freezing temperatures, or a feeling of intense coldness. It can also be used to show someone's disappointment, dissatisfaction, or discontent with something.
Features The Cold emoji features a blue-colored face with icicles hanging from its cheeks and a frown on its face, which makes it look like the person is freezing.
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unicode u+1f976, Cold emoji png
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What situaitions use it?
  • When talking about winter weather, snow, or freezing temperatures
  • When feeling cold or chilly
  • When someone is disappointed or unhappy with something
  • When jokingly teasing someone about being cold
  • When discussing something that is unpleasant or uncomfortable
  • The Cold emoji should be used carefully to avoid offending someone who may be sensitive to the cold or live in a warmer climate where extreme cold weather is not common.
  • It should also be used in the appropriate context to avoid confusion or misinterpretation of the intended meaning.
  • The shape of the emoji may look different depending on the platform or device.
History The Cold emoji was introduced in 2018 as part of Unicode 11.0.
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